chemical-factory-1227683The European Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is the system that regulates greenhouse gases emissions directly released into the atmosphere by European industrial plants; it establishes the amount of free CO2 emission allowances allocated to each installation, the harmonised procedures for calculating them and the way in which each plant determines the data to be reported to the control authorities.

Since the entry into force of the ETS, Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro has provided technical support to national and European glass producers in quantifying the various contributions to be included in the official calculations of CO2 emissions (calcination of raw materials, combustion, etc).

SSV assists the plant personnel in collecting the required information, carries out the necessary experimental characterizations on the raw materials, verifies the integrity and consistency of the acquired data, and processes them according to the criteria indicated in the guidelines issued by the EU authorities. The validated initial data and the results of the calculations are summarised in a final technical report.