The full realization of Gender Equality is a goal that Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro scpa has long been pursuing in its internal management policies, personnel recruitment, external relations, etc., in accordance with the provisions of its Code of Ethics, which in Article 4.4 states verbatim:

“The Company operates by avoiding discriminatory behavior and therefore does not engage in any discrimination, including discrimination based on gender, sexual inclination, ethnicity, language, religion, political opinions, personal conditions, and social conditions. The evaluation of the performance of Recipients in the service of the Company is made solely on the basis of professional ability, merit and compliance with the Code.”

In order to further identify, address and remove any remaining cultural and substantial barriers that to date still prevent the realization of full gender equality within the Institute, SSV has decided to adopt as of 2022 a Gender Equality Plan, i.e. a formal document that analyzes the current situation and details the commitments that the company undertakes for the three-year period 2023 – 2025 with the aim of promoting gender equality, and the tools it intends to adopt in order to achieve them.

The Gender Equality Plan of Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro can be freely viewed and downloaded by clicking on the following link (text in italian):

Gender Equality Plan SSV rev 2-11-2022