The term weathering refers to the series of chemical-physical phenomena (evaporation-condensation cycles, alkali extraction, hydrolytic and basic attack, etc.) that can take place inside pallets during the storage period, and that in time may cause the formation of sodium and calcium carbonate deposits on the surfaces of glassware, and may damage the amorphous silicate network.

SSV has developed two special analytical “tools” that allow to make a comparative estimate of the level of weathering resistance of glassware (bottles, tableware, flaconnage):

  • a specific protocol of chemical analysis, capable of giving a numerical quantification of the severity of the degradation by weathering, and of separating the contribution related to the precipitation of carbonates (“extractive” weathering) from the contribution due to the aggression to the silicatic matrix (“chemical” weathering).
  • and a laboratory accelerated stress test that, through specific thermo-hygrometric cycles performed inside a climatic chamber, in a few days is capable of producing a severe weathering attack on the containers.